Let's start a revolution!

Let's start a revolution!
-A revolution where our money isn't sucked right out of our hands by major chains that pump out caustic product and convince us that we need it. Let's control what comes into our households, and if need be- make our own product. I've drawn a line in the sand as to what I'll put up with putting into me and my children, my pets, my house. Here's what I've learned:


Deoderant Cream

Now this is not an antiperspirant. You need to perspire to regulate your body temperature and sweat out impurities. It is an antiperspirant, so even though you sweat, you smell great.

3 tablespoons coconut oil
3tablespoons baking soda
2 tablespoons shea butter
2 tablespoons arrowroot powder
essential oils (optional)

Mix your dry ingredients

Using as glass jar melt your Shea Butter and Coconut Oil ( coconut oil liquifies in warm weather so I didn’t need to melt it ) I put my glass jar in a small pot of water and slowly melted it over the stove

Add your essential oils in and mix.  Pour in your dry ingredients.

And, stir until well blended.

As your freshly made deodorant sits it will firm up. It does not need to be refrigerated and can be stored in your bathroom. For application I just put a little bit on my fingers and rub in as I would a lotion.

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