Let's start a revolution!

Let's start a revolution!
-A revolution where our money isn't sucked right out of our hands by major chains that pump out caustic product and convince us that we need it. Let's control what comes into our households, and if need be- make our own product. I've drawn a line in the sand as to what I'll put up with putting into me and my children, my pets, my house. Here's what I've learned:


Antimicrobial Body Powder

Rather than using baby powder, this is a good powder for dusting in sweaty, itchy areas.

1 tablespoon of baking soda
3 tablespoons arrowroot powder
3 tablespoons of cornstarch
tea tree oil

Combine ingredients and mix well. Put powder mixture into a shake box or a container with a powder puff. Use daily or as needed ( tea tree oil/ratio is about 10 drops per 1 cup of total powder mix). If you prefer a smoother texture, you can replace the cornstarch with an equal amount of arrowroot.

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