Let's start a revolution!

Let's start a revolution!
-A revolution where our money isn't sucked right out of our hands by major chains that pump out caustic product and convince us that we need it. Let's control what comes into our households, and if need be- make our own product. I've drawn a line in the sand as to what I'll put up with putting into me and my children, my pets, my house. Here's what I've learned:


Basic Clear Stick Deodorant

I'm addicted to Old Spice deodorant. There.. I said it. I like the smell. Eventually I'll figure out how to master that blend and get it into this formula. The recipe below doesn't really have an odor. It also isn't an anti-antiperspirant, as we need to perspire to regulate our body temperature and expel impurities.

1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup cornstarch
10+ drops tea tree oil (up to 20 or interspersed with lavender oil)
2 tablespoons coconut oil

Smoosh into an empty deodorant container and allow to set for a few days. Use a lighter hand when applying- especially at first. It will go on clear and requires very little to work. (If you have especially sensitive skin, increase the amount of cornstarch to 6tablespoons and decrease the baking soda to 2tablespoons).

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