Rather than use a compress these days, most people just slather on neosporin and a bandaid. The problem is that the poison remains in the wound and you only applied stuff to heal the skin. Calendula really is a miracle flower that most people call a pot marigold. You can be apply it to burns, cuts and scrapes, bee stings, bug bites, inflammations, and other skin irritations for people and animals alike.
1 cup boiling water
dried calendula flowers
clean cloth
Pour boiling water over fresh or dried calendula flowers, cover, and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Once cooled, strain out flowers and reserve the remaining liquid. Create a compress by soaking a clean cloth in the herbal infusion and placing it on the skin. This process is gentle and may be repeated several times a day.
With money tight and so much artificial crud added to what we use in your household, on our bodies and around our homes, I've drawn a line in the sand and said no more. I'll learn how to do it myself, and share my findings with you so we can all do it our darn selves..
Let's start a revolution!
Let's start a revolution!
-A revolution where our money isn't sucked right out of our hands by major chains that pump out caustic product and convince us that we need it. Let's control what comes into our households, and if need be- make our own product. I've drawn a line in the sand as to what I'll put up with putting into me and my children, my pets, my house. Here's what I've learned:
-A revolution where our money isn't sucked right out of our hands by major chains that pump out caustic product and convince us that we need it. Let's control what comes into our households, and if need be- make our own product. I've drawn a line in the sand as to what I'll put up with putting into me and my children, my pets, my house. Here's what I've learned:
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