Let's start a revolution!

Let's start a revolution!
-A revolution where our money isn't sucked right out of our hands by major chains that pump out caustic product and convince us that we need it. Let's control what comes into our households, and if need be- make our own product. I've drawn a line in the sand as to what I'll put up with putting into me and my children, my pets, my house. Here's what I've learned:


Antimicrobial Bathroom Cleanser

The bathroom is the bleachiest part of the house. And I don't use bleach. I use this stuff:

14 oz. water or rosemary hydrosol
3 tbsp castille soap
15 drops of tea tree essential oil
15 drops of oregano essential oil

Use this cleaning spray to disinfect your bathroom surfaces. You can use the Super Surface Spray to rinse away any residue left behind by the castille soap.


Calendula Compress

Rather than use a compress these days, most people just slather on neosporin and a bandaid. The problem is that the poison remains in the wound and you only applied stuff to heal the skin. Calendula really is a miracle flower that most people call a pot marigold. You can be apply it to burns, cuts and scrapes, bee stings, bug bites, inflammations, and other skin irritations for people and animals alike. 

1 cup boiling water
dried calendula flowers
clean cloth

Pour  boiling water over fresh or dried calendula flowers, cover, and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Once cooled, strain out flowers and reserve the remaining liquid.  Create a compress by soaking a clean cloth in the herbal infusion and placing it on the skin.  This process is gentle and may be repeated several times a day.

Wood Safe Mopping Solution

I've only had wood floors once- and boy did they need love. I had to patch, scrub and baby those planks to get it to look like it wasn't the bottom of an old barn. So many cleaners will either streak wood up or pull away the oils and wax that you need to keep the wood 'healthy'. This mopping solution is safe fr wood floors and will help you preserve the needed healthy oils without you breaking your neck on a slippery floor.

20 oz. spray bottle
1/2 cup distilled white vinegar
1 tsp. vegetable glycerin
20 drops lemon essential oil

Spray, mop as usual, and quickly buff dry to protect your floors. They will be glossy and clean with a lovely lemon scent!


Rose and Lavendar Facial Toner

You can spend a lot of money on facial products that are safe for skin allergies. I all but gave up on everything except simple rose water and oil oil for a long time because I just couldn't afford it. This toner is a light, hydrating forula that will help remove make up and dirt and shrink your pores.

2 oz. Rose Flower Water (Hydrosol)
1 oz. Witch Hazel Extract
1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel
1/2 tsp Vegetable Glycerin
7 drops Lavender Essential Oil
4 drops Chamomile Extract (Tincture)

Place all ingredients into a clean 4 oz. bottle, top with a fingertip mister, and shake to blend. Shake a little before each use as the contents will naturally separate.  This toner should keep for at least 6 months without refrigeration.

To use: Wash your face with water and gently dry with a soft washcloth. Then, mist with Rose & Lavender Facial toner and allow to air dry or gently pat dry.  Finish by applying a moisturizing lotion, oil, or cream.

Tropical Carpet Powder

Personally I don't keep carpets. They are allergen magnets. Icky stuff gets trapped in the fibers. Brackish water collects under it. And sometimes they stink- oh lord! Some of my past rental places, however, wouldn't let me tear out the carpets, so I had to improvise.The powder below is full of deodorizers that won't kill your sinus allergies.

1 cup of baking soda
10 drops of lemongrass essential oil  per cup
10 drops of mandarin essential oil  per cup
10 drops of ginger essential oil  per cup

Mix together and sprinkle the aromatic blend onto your carpet, let sit for 30 minutes, and vacuum as normal. Wonderful mattress deodorizer, too!


Simple Herbal Castille Shampoos

Homemade shampoo is not as thick or lathering as store-bought varieties, but it will effectively clean hair with nourishing ingredients and botanicals. Because this shampoo is so much gentler, you can expect that your hair will not feel as squeaky-clean after washing. This is because it will not be stripped of its natural oils!

8 oz water
3 oz liquid castille soap
1-2 tablespoons dried organic herbs of choice (see list below)
20-60 drops essential oil (see list below)
1/4 tsp  Jojoba or glycerine oil (adjust as needed – use more for dry hair or may omit for oily hair)

Make an herbal infusion by pouring boiling water over the herbs, cover, and allow them to steep for at least 4 hours. Strain the herbs out and pour the reserved liquid into a bottle, then add Castille soap and oils. Your herbal shampoo is now ready to use! Always shake well before use since the contents will naturally separate.

Herbs for Hair Care

Normal hair: basil, calendula, chamomile, horsetail, lavender, linden flowers, nettle, parsley leaf, rosemary, sage, watercress

Dry hair and scalp: burdock root, calendula, chamomile, comfrey leaf, elder flowers, horsetail, lavender, marshmallow root, nettle, parsley leaf, sage

Oily hair and scalp: bay leaf, burdock root, calendula, chamomile, horsetail, lemon balm, lavender, lemon peel, lemongrass, nettle, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, witch hazel bark, yarrow leaf and flower

Scalp conditions (dandruff, sensitive skin, inflammation, itchiness, dermatitis): burdock root, calendula, chamomile, comfrey leaf, eucalyptus, horsetail, lavender, marshmallow root, nettle, oregano, peppermint, rosemary, sage, thyme

Hair loss/thinning: basil, nettle, rosemary, sage

Golden highlights: calendula, chamomile, lemon, sunflower petals

Dark highlights: black Tea, black Walnut hulls (crushed or chopped), comfrey root, nettle, rosemary, sage

Red highlights: calendula, henna, hibiscus flowers, red clover flowers, rose hips, red rose petals

Essential Oils for Hair Care

Normal hair: carrot seed, cedarwood, chamomile, clary sage, cypress, geranium, juniper, lavender, lemon, orange, rosemary, sage, sandalwood, thyme, ylang ylang

Dry hair: carrot seed, cedarwood, chamomile, clary sage, geranium, jasmine, lavender, orange, rosemary, sandalwood, ylang ylang

Oily Hair: basil, bergamot, cedarwood, chamomile, clary sage, cypress, eucalyptus, geranium, juniper, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, orange, peppermint, rosemary, sage, tea tree, thyme, ylang ylang.

Scalp Conditions (dandruff, sensitive skin, itchiness, inflammation, dermatitis): cedarwood, chamomile, clary sage, cypress, lavender, lemon, marjoram, myrrh, orange, patchouli, rose, rosemary, sage, thyme, tea tree, ylang ylang.
Hair loss/thinning: basil, cypress, lavender, lemon, peppermint, rosemary, sage, thyme, ylang ylang

Sick House Mopping Solution

For a light mopping I use a mix of vinegar and hot water only. That kills most germs just as well as lysol without putting poisons on the paws of your animals and the mouths of your children. If I really need a good anti-microbial sick house cleanse, I use the following solution:

1/4 cup liquid castille soap
1/2 cup distilled white vinegar
20 drops of tea tree essential oil
20 drops of sweet orange essential oil
2 gallons of hot water

This is the perfect liquid cleaner for tile floors, vinyl, or linoleum. It cuts through grease and urine very well.


Lime in the Coconut Lip Balm

I'm a Florida geek. I love the tropics. Here's a quick lip balm that will help bring the tropics to you. Lightweight, glossy, easy.

1 tablespoon coconut oil
 2 tablespoons sunflower oil
 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon beeswax
 15 drops lime peel essential oil
 A few drops of vitamin E oil

Lip balm preparation: Coarsely chop the beeswax or use beeswax pastilles. Place beeswax and oils in a small pot or glass Pyrex measuring cup and gently heat in the top of a double boiler until the beeswax has melted. Once melted, remove from the stove top and add essential oils and Vitamin E Oil. Immediately pour the mixture into lip balm containers. You can purchase lip balm tubes and jars, or you can reuse glass or plastic containers. Allow to cool completely before placing caps onto the lip balm containers. Your lip balm is finished! You can now add labels, ribbons, twine, or any other decorative elements. Makes approximately 1.5 oz of lip balm, enough to fill 10 lip balm tubes, 6 of our 1/4 oz plastic jars, or 3 1/2 oz tins or plastic jars.

Herbal Astringent Spray

Astringent is a chemical compound meant to shrink tissue after a bite, scratch or other minor injury. Most people believe that the otc stuff that they use might also disinfect it somehow, but unless it specifically says so, it isn't. This will not only help close the wound, but clean it out and bathe it in natural antimicrobials.

2 ounces witch hazel extract
1/2 ounces red root bark tincture
1/2 ounces Oregon grape root tincture (organically grown goldenseal tincture can be used)
1/2 ounces Pipsissewa tincture
1/2 ounces Uva-Ursi tincture

Mix all ingredients in a 4 oz spray bottle and shake before using.  Re-apply as often as needed.


Quick & Dirty Mason Jar Beeswax Candles

We get a lot of hurricanes down here in South Florida, so there's always a need for candles. Once again- cue the allergy gong- I can't deal with most candles. That means I either get pure beeswax or soy. Here's a way to make them yourself in a handy windproof jar.

mason jars
candle wick (craft store)
masking tape.

Begin by heating up the wax on the stove in a pot to 140°F. You don't want the temperature to exceed 185°F. Pour a small layer into the base of a jar and place a piece of candle wick into the center of the jar. Hold this in place until the wax is dry enough to where the the wick stays in place.

Next, make an X with tape over the top of the jar, poke a hole through the top and pull the wick through. Fill up the jar with melted wax til the desired height. We filled ours 1/2 an inch from the top. After the wax is completely solid, cut the wick so that it's 1/2 inch tall from the top.

Healing Tea Tree Oil Foot Balm

I get a lot of dry skin on my feet, not to mention cracks on the heels. It comes with the territory of walking on hot FL pavement on occasion chasing after kids, dogs, cats: what have you. A lot of OTC remedies use urea to soften the skin on your feet. That's a fancy term for urine. I'd rather use this blend than pee on my foot.

40 grams shea butter
20 grams sunflower oil
20 grams calendula infused oil
15 grams beeswax
10 grams jojoba oil
100 drops tea tree essential oil 

Measure out the shea butter into a glass measuring cup and place the measuring cup in a simmering water bath. Slowly bring the shea butter between 170 to 180 degrees F, and hold at that temp. for 20 minutes. The best way to do this is to use a thermometer and turn the heat up or down to maintain the 170 to 180 degrees.

Measure the sunflower oil, calendula infused oil, jojoba oil and beeswax into another heat-safe cup.  After the shea butter has been heating for 10 minutes, add the cup with the oils and wax to the simmering water bath.  Allow it to melt and warm for the remaining 10 minutes.

After 20 minutes of holding the shea butter at the proper temp. and melting the beeswax and oils together, combine the two.

Add in the tea tree essential oil and stir to combine.

Carefully pour the hot oil into a 4-ounce container. Allow to cool in the fridge until solid.


Herbal Neosporin

This is much better than the stuff that you get in a tube and much more effective.

1/2 cup coconut oil (proven to help heal burns, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, great moisturizer)
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (full of vitamins, a great moisturizer)
1/4 cup dried comfrey (a herb for healing woulds)
1/4 cup dried calendula (a herb for healing wounds, skin irritations)
2oz beeswax (equals out to 2 of the 1oz bars or 4 tablespoons)
2 tablespoons of honey (natural moisturizer with anti-microbial properties)
10 drops lavender essential oil (anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, analgesic)

In a medium saucepan – combine the coconut oil, olive oil, comfrey & calendula. Cook on medium heat for about 20-30 minutes, stirring often. Strain the mixture using a cheesecloth or coffee filter. Toss the herbs & wipe out any remaining herbs from your saucepan.  Add the strained oil back to your pot, turn the heat to low.  Stir in the honey at this point until mixed thoroughly.  Some people don’t realize the benefits honey has to your skin, but it’s a natural moisturizer with anti-microbial properties.  You can read more about honey in skin care here.  Note, having the honey mix in evenly can be somewhat tedious, so you can opt to omit it if you wish.

Next beeswax:  if you’re using bars, cut into slices before adding.  Stir until completely melted. Stir in the essential oil, if using, at this point.  Once combined, remove from the heat. You’ll want to work quickly now as the salve starts to set up rather fast.  Pour into the glass or tin container(s) of your choice.

Stir occasionally as it cools to ensure that everything settles properly, especially the honey. Once it sets up, seal.  Each batch makes 16 ounces. It keeps for a year.

Citrus Bleach Alternative

So, I told you that I liked lemons? Oh: they're my favorite fruit! This is part of why. Instead of using bleach- which I am very, very, very allergic to- I use this to whiten loads.

12 cups water
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 cup hydrogen peroxide

Mix. Add 2 cups per wash load or put in spray bottle and use as a household cleaner. Can be added to a wash as well.


Antimicrobial Body Powder

Rather than using baby powder, this is a good powder for dusting in sweaty, itchy areas.

1 tablespoon of baking soda
3 tablespoons arrowroot powder
3 tablespoons of cornstarch
tea tree oil

Combine ingredients and mix well. Put powder mixture into a shake box or a container with a powder puff. Use daily or as needed ( tea tree oil/ratio is about 10 drops per 1 cup of total powder mix). If you prefer a smoother texture, you can replace the cornstarch with an equal amount of arrowroot.

Deoderant Cream

Now this is not an antiperspirant. You need to perspire to regulate your body temperature and sweat out impurities. It is an antiperspirant, so even though you sweat, you smell great.

3 tablespoons coconut oil
3tablespoons baking soda
2 tablespoons shea butter
2 tablespoons arrowroot powder
essential oils (optional)

Mix your dry ingredients

Using as glass jar melt your Shea Butter and Coconut Oil ( coconut oil liquifies in warm weather so I didn’t need to melt it ) I put my glass jar in a small pot of water and slowly melted it over the stove

Add your essential oils in and mix.  Pour in your dry ingredients.

And, stir until well blended.

As your freshly made deodorant sits it will firm up. It does not need to be refrigerated and can be stored in your bathroom. For application I just put a little bit on my fingers and rub in as I would a lotion.

Rose Ginger Massage Oil

So, umm, I don't need to tell you why you'd need massage oil, right? Heh. Actually, ginger is wonderful for sore muscles, too.

1 inch peeled, completely clean piece of ginger root, cut into thin slices
10-12 small dried rosebuds
1 cup carrier oil (sweet almond, olive, jojoba, hazelnut, etc.)

In a small glass container, combine all ingredients and shake to combine, knocking on the side of the glass until all the ginger falls to the bottom. Either let this concoction sit for 5-7 days, shaking daily, or heat over very low heat for 30 minutes to an hour. Use as a warming massage oil, but keep out of delicate places, because ginger is pretty intense.


Dishwashing Soap

Since I have skin allergies, I have to be really choosy about what goes on or near my hands. By choosing the ingredients in this dish soap, I can guarantee that my skin won't dry up around my cuticles and crack after doing dishes.

4 cups boiling water
1/2 cup grated castile soap (or low sudsing homemade soap)
1/2 tablespoon vegetable glycerine
1 tablespoon vinegar
10-20 drops of tea tree oil

In a bowl add the shredded bar of soap, glycerine, and vinegar. Then pour boiling water over mixture and stir/whisk until everything is well blended and has dissolved. Let mixture cool on the counter stirring occasionally for at least 8 hours. After it cools add tea tree oil (since its an anti-bacterial, anti-fugal, and anti-microbial). Transfer into an old dish soap container or a cute oil dispenser container.

Ginger Lemon Body Scrub

There's very little that makes me feel fresher and reinvigorated than fresh lemon. I've made this body scrub as a part of a gift basket several times, and it always gets a lot of rave comments.

1/2 cup organic sugar
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tsp freshly grated, peeled ginger
zest from one organic lemon

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Stir well. In the shower or bath, scrub your body lightly with the mixture and rinse well. This should keep in the refrigerator (if necessary) for up to a week. But I highly recommend you use it immediately.


Ghetto Febreeze

I love the name of this stuff. I'm really allergic to Febreeze, so I avoid any product with it in it. This stuff, however, I can use as much as I want. I like to use clove bud oil in mine and spray it on curtains, sheets and seat cushions. Thanks Jessyratfink for the recipe!

1/2 cup rubbing alcohol or vodka
1 cup hot water
10-30 drops of your favorite essential oil

Combine all of the ingredients in a plastic spray bottle and shake well to mix. The freshener will remain good for 6 months.

Note: Please remember that this is flammable. Rubbing alcohol is not to be ingested.

Rose and Calendula Body Wash

If you're like me, you hav amazingly sensitive, dry skin naturally. Most normal soap makes my skin dry out and crack, especially on my hands. I make my own body washes and soaps, or I use Bert's Bees or Johnson and Johnson's if I am really pressed for time. The ingredients in this body wash are so gentle and hydrating and healing that you're sure to see an improvement in your skin after a week. It's also safe for your face and mild enough for use on infants.

1 tablespoon calendula petals (pot marigold)
1 tablespoon rose petals
1/4 cup milliliters water
2 tablespoons vegetable glycerin
100 gram bar of castille or lye soap, finely grated
1 1/2 cups water
essential oil (optional)

Boil calendula, rose petals and 100 ml water. Remove from heat and steep for 15 minutes. Strain. Add glycerin oil. Set aside. In a separate pan melt grated soap and 400 ml of water, whisking until smooth. Add two mixes together with 15-20 drops of essential oil. Pour into a plastic bottle. Shake well before using.
Shelf life 1 year.


Basic Clear Stick Deodorant

I'm addicted to Old Spice deodorant. There.. I said it. I like the smell. Eventually I'll figure out how to master that blend and get it into this formula. The recipe below doesn't really have an odor. It also isn't an anti-antiperspirant, as we need to perspire to regulate our body temperature and expel impurities.

1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup cornstarch
10+ drops tea tree oil (up to 20 or interspersed with lavender oil)
2 tablespoons coconut oil

Smoosh into an empty deodorant container and allow to set for a few days. Use a lighter hand when applying- especially at first. It will go on clear and requires very little to work. (If you have especially sensitive skin, increase the amount of cornstarch to 6tablespoons and decrease the baking soda to 2tablespoons).

Antifungal Baby Wipes

I no longer have kids small enough to need these, but I do have friends who do.

1/2 cup distilled water
1 tbs. vinegar
1/4 cup aloe vera gel
1 tbs. calendula oil
1 drop lavender essential oil
1 drop tea tree essential oil

Mix solution together in a large bowl. Cut paper towel roll in half, using a large, sharp kitchen knife and remove center cardboard. Soak the towels in the solution till thoroughly wet. Squeeze out excess liquid and store in an old baby wipe container.


Baby Butt Cream

So, no longer having a child you don't need this, right? Wrong. I've used this on my dogs. I've used this on chaffed skin. Anything that needs a nice protective layer can benefit from this. This recipe comes from Passionate Homemaking.

1/8 cup coconut oil (extra virgin is preferred)
1/4 cup raw shea butter
3-4 Tablespoons talc-free cornstarch or arrowroot power (optional, to thicken)

Combine coconut oil and shea butter in a small bowl with a hand mixer or stick blender. You may have to soften the shea butter just slightly over very low heat in order to incorporate them well together, but it should combine well with a mixer. Add cornstarch or arrowroot a tablespoon at a time until you achieve the desired thickness. It will look similar to a whipped icing.That’s it! Transfer to a small covered container and place at your changing station. Keep a small portion in the diaper bag as well. Apply liberally with each diaper change as a preventative and rash salve. There are many more complicated homemade varieties out there, but this simple recipe has done the trick for us! Makes about 1 cup.

Really Dirty Floor Solution

I reserve this recipe for after Thanksgiving cooking has been done, kid parties and cleaning up after 'doggie explodey' moments. Or when moving into a new place. Or cleaning the kennels. You get the idea.

1/8 cup liquid dish detergent
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup Borax
2 to 3 gallons very hot water

Mix all the ingredients together in a mop bucket, then mop the floors, wringing frequently. Once you're done getting the goop up, allow to dry and then wet mop once more with only hot water.


Gel Air Fresheners

Once again- allergies keep me from enjoying a lot of good smelly stuff because of their cheap ingredients. In this YOU control what goes into your formula.

3/4 cup boiling water
1 pkg of 4-serving knox or unflavored gelatin
1 tablespoon vodka
1/4 tsp dish soap
essential oil

Combine all ingredients and pour into jars. You can add up to 15 drops of essential oil until you get to your desired level of scent. Once cooled, cover with lids.Set aside for a couple days before using so the gelatin has a chance to completely set (you can refrigerate to speed up the process). To use, poke a few holes in the lid and strategically place where you will.

***The vodka is to help prevent the jelly from becoming moldy.

Wood Polish

My other go to wood polish. This one takes a little time to cure.

1/2 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar
several drops essential oil of choice (optional)

Combine in a jar or bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Shake well before each use. Pour a little on a dry, soft, cotton rag and rub into wood. Buff gently with a clean, dry cloth to remove excess polish (too much left on the finish will attract dust).


Basic Linen Spray

If you've ever worked in fancy hotels, you know the secret to that ungodly fresh, crisp linen smell is vodka. I kid you not. In the recipe below you can opt out of any essential oil for a fresh linen smell or add your favorite scent.

1/2 cup distilled water
1/2 cup vodka
10 drops essential oil

Mix ingredients well and pour into a spray bottle. Shake before each use.

Lemon Glass Cleaner

Typically a good old mixture of vinegar and hot water does just fine for cleaning glass, but when you want something extra fancy- or to cut through extra grease and grime- this is a powerhouse. It smells good too.

3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 cups club soda
1 teaspoon cornstarch

Pour everything into a spray bottle then shake well before using.


Rosemary Wood Cleaner

Most of my furniture is wood. I refuse to use pledge on it, and my grocery store typically runs out of Murphy's Oil Soap. This is one of my 'smell good polishes' that is kid and animal friendly.

1/2 cup distilled vinegar
1/2 cup rosemary infused water or 6 drops rosemary essential oil
1 teaspoon liquid dish detergent
1/8 teaspoon olive oil

Using full strength, dip a clean cloth in the mix, squeeze out excess, and wash wood furniture. Can be stored in plastic.

Spray Starch

My mother- the compulsive ironer- always frets that I don;t have spray starch on hand for her to use. This, mom, is for you.

2 teaspoons corn starch

Add in a big spray bottle.  Shake before use. If you get flakes, pour half of your mixture out and refill with water. Flakes are about amount, not quality.


Bug Off Bar Soap

I spend a lot of time in my little garden. Here in Florida the mosquitoes are like little B-52 airplanes swarming you most of the year. This is a good lotion bar soap recipe for keeping them off of you while you're out. Thank you Mountain Rose Herbs for the recipe.

1 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup  shea butter, cocoa butter or mango butter (or a mix of all three equal to 1 part)
1/2 cup beeswax + 2 tablespoons
1/4 cup fresh or dried rosemary leaves
1 teaspoon dried whole cloves
2 tablespoons dried or fresh thyme
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1/4 cup dried catnip leaf
1 (or more) tablespoons of mint leaf
1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil to preserve.
10+ drops lavendar essential oil
10+ drops lemon essential oil

Using a double boiler or glass bowl on top of a small saucepan, heat about 1 inch of water (in bottom pan) until starting to boil. Place the dried rosemary, cloves, thyme, cinnamon, catnip and mint in the top part of the double boiler and add the coconut oil (can also use almond, olive or other oil but you will need to add more beeswax later on to get the bars to firm.

Cover the bowl or top part of the double boiler and keep the water at medium/high temperature for at least 30 minutes or until oil has adopted a darker color and smells strongly of rosemary. Alternately, you can fill a crock pot about half full with water, put the coconut oil and herbs in a glass mason jar with a tight lid, cover and keep on lowest setting for several days to make an even stronger infused oil.

Then, strain the dried herbs out of the oil using a small mesh strainer or cheesecloth and pour the oil back into the double boiler. The oil will probably be reduced by almost half and you should have about 1/2 cup of the infused oil. If you have more, save it for next time!

Add the butter(s) and beeswax to the double boiler and stir until all have melted. Remove from heat, add the Vitamin E oil and any other essential oils and pour into molds. These are the molds I used but I also love these Sunflower ones and these heart ones, which would both be great for gifts. There are also simple flower molds and actual bar shaped ones.

Leave in the molds until completely set (overnight is best) or you can speed up the process by placing in the fridge.

To use, rub the bars on exposed areas of DRY skin to protect against mosquitoes. Note: If you are pregnant, check to make sure any herbs you use are safe for pregnancy and omit the ones that aren’t.

Industrial Strength Super Bubbles

I have spent a great many days using bubble therapy to help get rid of the blues. Kids chase them. Pets chase them. Pets eat them and then get all weirded out making faces over it- anyhow these are really super strong bubbles. Twist up a coat hanger to use as a wand.

3 cups water
1/2 cup corn syrup or glycerin
1 cup regular dish soap (cheaper the better)

And viola: super bubbles!

Pumpkin Digestive Dog Biscuits

These are for the pups, folks- all though you could probably feed them to your kids, too. That's the beauty of controlling what goes into the food: you know there's nothing in it to hurt them.

2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons dry milk
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 1/2 cups brown rice flour
1 teaspoon dried parsley (optional)

Preheat oven to 350.

In large bowl, whisk together eggs and pumpkin to smooth. Stir in dry milk, sea salt, and dried parsley (if using, optional). Add brown rice flour gradually, combining with spatula or hands to form a stiff, dry dough. Turn out onto lightly floured surface (can use the brown rice flour) and if dough is still rough, briefly knead and press to combine.

Roll dough between 1/4 – 1/2″ – depending on your dog’s chew preferences, ask first – and use biscuit or other shape cutter to punch shapes, gathering and re-rolling scraps as you go. Place shapes on cookie sheet, no greasing or paper necessary. If desired, press fork pattern on biscuits before baking, a quick up-and-down movement with fork, lightly pressing down halfway through dough. Bake 20 minutes. Remove from oven and carefully turn biscuits over, then bake additional 20 minutes. Allow to cool completely on rack before feeding to dog.

* Brown rice flour gives the biscuits crunch and promotes better dog digestion. Many dogs have touchy stomachs or allergies, and do not tolerate wheat well.

Makes up to 75 small (1″) biscuits or 50 medium biscuits


Liquified Soap

Typically I buy hand soap 4 bottles at a time once a year... For their bottle, of course. This is because I make my own liquid hand soap out of soap that I've made or a soap that I trust. Here's how you do it:

8 oz. bar of soap, grated finely
2 Tablespoons glycerine
1 gallon distilled water, hot

Add the soap to the water and cook over a low heat until well mixed. If you need to whisk it, remove from heat first. Allow to cool. Refill your old soap bottles and still have a reserve for refills.

***If you want a antimicrobial hand soap, add 6 drops of tea tree oil to each soap container.

Weed Killer

Why pollute your house with poisons when you can kill weeds with things that are normally (at least here) in your kitchen? This recipe comes to us from Homestead Survival.

1 1/2 Tablespoons Table Salt
1–2 Cup of  white Vinegar
1 Tablespoon of Dr. Bronner Liquid Castile Soap

Pour the table salt into the spray bottle. Pour  Dr Bronner Liquid Castile Soap to the spray bottle.
Next fill the spray bottle an inch from the top with white vinegar. Put the nozzle spray cap back on.  Gently shake the spray bottle until mixed.

Spray directly onto the weeds thoroughly covering them. Beware that it may affect the grass around it so try to be careful with about over spray. Do not use in your garden or flower beds. The weeds should be dead within 24 – 72 hours. If your weeds are in rock, gravel or in between sidewalk cracks…. boiling hot water poured over them with kill them within 24 hours.

Family Fingerprint Ornament

This is too cute an idea not to share.

2 cups of flour
1 cup salt

Mix the dry ingredients with water carefully until it has the consistence of play dough. Flatten into a thin circle then press family members fingers into it. Bake in a preheated oven at 250°F for 2 hours. Cool overnight. Spray with metallic spray paint. 

Moth Repellant Sachets

I had a mother in law that used to throw a ton of moth balls all over the attic every year, not understanding that not only did it make the kids' asthma flare up badly, but that I was allergic to them. None of us could wear clothes that she stored without washing them ten or more times and sunning them for days. Normal cedar balls work great, but can be hard to find sometimes.

50/50 rosemary and mint
1 part dried lavender, 1 part rosemary, 1/2 part dried lemon peel, 1 tablespoon cloves
1 part whole cloves, 1 part whole peppercorns, 2 – 4 cinnamon sticks broken in pieces
1 part dried lavender, 1 part dried lemon peel, 1 broken cinnamon stick
1 part cedar shavings, 1 part thyme
1 part peppermint, 1 part spearmint, 1 part rosemary, 1/2 part thyme

Any combination of the above should do you just fine. You can make sachets to stash in drawers, trunks or hang in closets out of pretty cotton fabrics, plain cheesecloth, muslin, linen or clean nylons. Replace annually.

Personal Insect Repellant

Remember when using any type of essential oil to do a test spot on your skin first to see if you have a reaction. This is an outdoors spray for picnics and such. It is not water repellant and will need to be reapplied if sweating heavily or after 30 minutes.

1 cup vodka
2 T. aloe vera juice
2 tsp. favorite conditioning liquid oil (soybean, olive, castor, etc.)
1 1/2 tsp. essential oil blend

Mix well in a spray bottle. Reapply often.

Ants: peppermint oil, tea tree oil
Chiggers: lavender oil, lemongrass oil
Flies:geranium oil, lavender oil, lemongrass oil
Fleas: lavender oil, lemongrass oil, rose geranium oil (not for use on cats), rosemary oil
Gnats: patchouli oil
Lice: cedarwood oil, peppermint oil, tea tree oil
Mosquitoes: catnip oil, citronella oil, clove oil, eucalyptus oil, geranium oil, lavender oil,  tea tree oil
Moths: cedarwood oil
Ticks: lavender oil, lemongrass oil, patchouli oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil

***Cheap vodka works well. Since it's used in so many DIY recipes, it's handy to keep a big jug of the swill around. Don't waste the good stuff. If you're leery about using vodka, you can substitute rubbing alchohol, but it needs to be applied more frequently and needs special care taken around the eyes.

Laundry Detergent Powder

In order to find a laundry detergent without surfactants and optical brighteners you have to pay out the nose. While I adore Second Generation, it's just too expensive to buy regularly when I do up to 20 loads of laundry a week some weeks. This mixture works just as well as Second Generation, only it doesn't have the pretty scent to it. This is safe for all skin types.

2 bar of Kirks Castile Bar Soap
2 cup of washing soda (sodium carbonate)
1 cup borax- sold in laundry section

Grate the bars of soap with a microplane or a fine grater. Mix the remaining ingredients in and thoroughly shake until well blended. Note: Avoid breathing in the dust.

Store laundry detergent powder in an airtight container. Use 2-4 tablespoons per load.

**I have substituted other soaps when I can't find Kirk's. Ivory seems to work the best out of the typically available soaps.


I have a desperate allergy to most sunblock. Even the so called hypoallergenic stuff breaks me out in hives. This particular mixtures does really well and can be altered to reflect what level of protection that you want. Thank you Frisky of COCW for this recipe.

1 ounce oil blend (use any combination of the oils listed below)
1 ounce beeswax (adds waterproof properties)
1 ounce butter blend (shea butter, mango butter, or cocoa butter)
1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
0.36 ounces zinc oxide powder
30 drops essential oils, optional

 In a double boiler, over low heat, melt the oils, beeswax, and butters.

Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly prior to adding the vitamin E oil, zinc oxide powder, and essential oils. Note: Wear a mask when working with zinc oxide. Although it has not been proven harmful when used topically, inhaling the substance can be dangerous. Stir until zinc oxide is dissolved.

Pour into a push-up or roll-up dispenser. This recipe will produce a product similar to a lotion bar or sunscreen stick. You could easily clean out and re-purpose a used deodorant or lip balm container. But, if you want to buy a new one…I love these containers.

Allow to cool and harden on the counter overnight and then you’re good to go! During times of heavy sun and swim exposure be sure to reapply often for the best coverage.

Oils by SPF Ratings:
30 - 50: raspberry seed oil
30: carrot
20: wheat germ
6-10: shea butter.
4-10: sesame oil, coconut oil, hemp oil, avocado oil, soybean, and peanut oil.