Let's start a revolution!

Let's start a revolution!
-A revolution where our money isn't sucked right out of our hands by major chains that pump out caustic product and convince us that we need it. Let's control what comes into our households, and if need be- make our own product. I've drawn a line in the sand as to what I'll put up with putting into me and my children, my pets, my house. Here's what I've learned:


Homemade Teething Oil

Thank you Mommypotamus for the recipe and tricks! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that had kids teething on natural rubber toys that squeaked. My oldest ran around forever with a big shark hanging out of his mouth.

1 tablespoon olive
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 drops clove bud essential oil
Combine ingredients and test a little on yourself to make sure it’s not too strong. Once you’re comfortable with the ratio’s pour your mixture into a clean container. Light oxidizes oil, so a dark amber or cobalt is best if you plan to leave it on the counter. Another option is a clear glass container that is kept in a cool, dark cabinet.

To Use
Shake well, then apply sparingly to gums with your finger tip. Reapply every 1-2 hours as needed.

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